Whispers of Eternity: The Potter's Stone
Unravel an ancient tale of ambition, power, and a humble potter named Djehuty, who became an intermediary of divine forces.

In the ceaseless labyrinth of the Temporal Library, Sub-Scribe Luthoth was startled to find a sprawling desert stretching out where once were leather-bound volumes and weathered scrolls. The disorienting scent of parched sand and ancient sunlight replaced the familiar scent of parchment and ink, filling the air with an echo of a time far removed from his own.
While making his way through the desert, Luthoth unexpectedly tripped, his foot colliding with an object concealed beneath the sands. It was a rock, a peculiar presence amidst the vast expanse of sand. Lowering himself, he carefully wiped away the dusty surface, revealing intricate symbols carved upon it. The mysterious inscriptions seemed to possess a vitality of their own, as they continuously transformed and shifted before his very eyes, resembling a living language.
No sooner had his fingers brushed the surface of the stone than he was overtaken by a surge of visions. His surroundings blurred as he saw a civilization once vibrant under the desert sun.
The land was an arena of ambition, where warlords clashed in their relentless pursuit of power. The golden sands bore silent witness to the battles of men driven by the desire to reign supreme. A land of both bountiful fertility and harsh desolation, was a prize coveted by many, yet firmly held by none.
A river, the lifeblood of the land, snaked its way through rival territories, nurturing the both life and conflict. Each warlord staked his claim over a fragment of the river’s bounty, protecting it with an iron will. Alliances were as transient as the desert winds, trust as elusive as a mirage.
In this cauldron of ambition and strife, lived Djehuty, the son of a humble potter. He was a young man of average build, with a dusting of freckles on his sun-burned skin and deep-set hazel eyes. His hands were calloused from hours spent on the pottery wheel and his strength was evident from his lithe and muscular form.
He lived in the shadow of the imposing warlords, in a small settlement on the fertile banks of the river. His life was simple and predictable, dictated by the rising and setting of the sun, the flow of the river, and the rhythm of the pottery wheel.
One scorching afternoon, as Djehuty was searching for clay near the river, his eyes caught the glint of an unusual object half-buried in the sandy bank. It was small enough to nestle comfortably in the palm of his hand and bore symbols that ebbed and flowed, moving and altering. The symbols were breathing life into the otherwise inert object. The stone was not a creation of man, Djehuty knew instinctively. This was something otherworldly, something that bore the weight of times long past.
Returning home, Djehuty secluded himself, immersing in the mystic puzzle of the stone. The potter’s wheel lay idle as he forwent his duties. Deciphering the arcane symbols became the obsession of his existence. He transcribed the patterns in sand and clay, attempting to decode the ancient language.
In the years that followed, Djehuty withdrew from the world around him. Chosen by the stone, he spent his days and nights in solitude, his mind tethered to the stone. Meanwhile the world around him was consumed by conflict. Even as stories spread of a mad old man in the desert that speaks with the gods, the artifact was forgotten. A secret to be kept by Djehuty alone.
The balance of power tipped and teetered as warlords Sobek and Ramses, the most formidable of the contenders, locked horns in a brutal battle for supremacy. The golden sands were stained with the blood of countless warriors, echoing the cries of the fallen.
In a cunning move, Ramses seized Sobek’s beloved wife, Nut, keeping her as a captive in his fortified palace.
Desperate to reclaim his wife and maintain his position, Sobek sought out the reclusive mad man. Whispers were abound of claims this man would commune with the gods. Bitter as the need was, Sobek humbled himself before the hermit.
For the first time in years, Djehuty looked up from his stone. In the weathered face of Sobek. He saw desperation and a determination that mirrored his own quest to decipher the stone. Despite the uncertainty that clouded his mind, he knew that the stone had led him to this juncture.
Djehuty, faced the challenge with a stoic resolve. In a tense meeting with Ramses, he attempted to negotiate the release of Nut, using words as his weapon. However, Ramses, arrogant and drunk on power, refused the deal and threatened Djehuty, revealing the depths of his cruelty.
Under the pale glow of the moon, Djehuty took the stone in his hands, and the symbols came to life, glowing a bright gold against the cool, sandy surface. With a deep breath, he began to chant, the ancient words reverberating in the silence of the desert night. The air around him stirred, and a brilliant portal burst forth from the stone, shimmering in the air before him.
Djehuty stepped through the portal. Guided by the stone’s will, he found his way to Nut’s chamber.
Nut, beautiful and fierce, was as stunned as Djehuty himself when he materialized from thin air. With a finger to his lips, Djehuty signaled for her silence. Reluctantly, she followed him, curious and awed by his power.
As they fled, the alarm was raised. Ramses’ guards flooded the corridors, spears ready. They gave chase, but to their amazement, the intruders vanished just as they were about to strike.
The portal closed behind Djehuty and Nut, swallowing them whole and leaving the palace guards in bewildered confusion. Djehuty and Nut returned safely to Sobek’s territory, the night still young and their pursuers left far behind.
Sobek, moved by the sight of his wife, threw his arms around her. Nut, a storm of emotions swirling in her eyes, turned to look at Djehuty. He saw gratitude, admiration, and a touch of fear. He knew then that the power he wielded was as awe-inspiring as it was terrifying.
Humbled by the miraculous rescue, Sobek offered Djehuty a position as his chief scribe, a role of great respect and influence. He would be honored among his ranks and could wield significant power. But the prospect of such a life didn’t appeal to Djehuty.
He left Sobek’s court and began wandering the lands, serving various lords. But his service was not that of a scribe. He was a bridge between the mortal and the divine, a conduit of power that baffled and amazed all who witnessed it.
Tales of his miraculous feats spread across the kingdom, sung by bards and told by travelers. But despite the fame and admiration, he remained a humble servant of the stone, forever a student of its mystic language.
Then one day, Djehuty disappeared. Some said he had ascended to the heavens, some that he had crossed into another realm, and others that he had simply perished. His last known location was a remote dune in the heart of the desert.
The stone, the source of Djehuty’s power and wisdom, was lost to time. As the winds blew and the sands shifted, it was claimed by the desert.
Luthoth’s vision ceased abruptly as he found himself back in the Temporal Library. His heart pounded in his chest, echoing the exhilarating rush of the vision. Beneath his feet, the sands began to stir, moving as if alive. The stone sunk into the ground, swallowed by the makeshift desert floor of the library.
Startled, Luthoth jumped to his feet and fled from the forming quicksand. The sands roiled behind him, a hungry mouth eager to devour the rock. With one last burst of energy, Luthoth managed to escape its pull and scramble onto solid ground.
As he turned to look behind, the desert had already vanished. The stone, the shifting sands, and the blistering sun were all replaced by the familiar scene of boundless bookshelves and silent corridors, stretching into infinity.
With a lingering look at the spot where the stone had lain, he couldn’t help but marvel at the strange encounter. Somewhere, in the boundless expanses of time, the stone continued to inscribe its mysterious symbols, undeterred by the shifting sands and unyielding to the ravages of time.
With a sigh, Luthoth resumed his aimless wanderings. The shifting corridors of the Temporal Library lay before him once again, the promise of countless stories hidden within their endless depths.
The Temporal Library, like time itself, held its secrets close, revealing them only to those who sought them with a sincere heart and an open mind.